Free Help for Martial Arts School Owners

December 7, 2009

The National Promoters League E-News is FREE for Martial Arts School Owners!

The NPL E-News is a powerful resource for your martial arts business. It provides you business success tips and information from the leading minds in the martial arts industry helping you build a successful school. Learn how school owners like Yong Hon Kim (22 Locations), Dong Kyun Kim (16 Locations), and Richard Hackworth (7 Locations) are creating martial arts schools that will be around for generations to come.

Read articles from world champion competitors and their coaches on how to develop team skills and warrior spirit in your students. This will fill your school with life long dedicated students!

Hear stories from martial arts school owners about how they overcame obsticles to change their schools and change their life! Get answers to some of the most difficult questions on how to turn a bankrupt school into “The” place to be for martial arts in your area!

Just visit to start getting your weekly dose of martial arts business success. As a Special Thanks just for visiting the site we are going to give you two FREE GIFTS. First, you will get a free subscription to,

the most popular online magazine in the martial arts world. Second, you will recieve our hot off the presses, highly controversial special report from the hosts of “The World Martial Arts Magazine Show” called “Why MMA is NOT the Future of the Martial Arts Industry”.

So head on over to and fill out the form with your name and e-mail address to claim your free subscription and two bonus gifts as our way of saying Thank You.

Learn Hapkido in Korea

December 5, 2009

Learn Hapkido in Korea

The Learn Hapkido in Korea blog is dedicated to providing information relevant to traveling to Korea to learn Hapkido. There will be Hapkido training articles and information on Hapkido organizations that can provide you with Hapkido training in Korea.

So if it is one of your life’s goals to visit Korea and learn authentic Hapkido while you are there then you need to visit and bookmark the site. Be sure to visit often as it will be updated weekly. Sponsored by,  and www.worldmartialartsmagazine.

To your success!

hapkido schools hapkido books hapkido classes

December 4, 2009

Attention Korean Martial Arts School Owners: 

Does Your School Need…

 More Income & Improved Retention?

50-100 New Teen & Adult Students?

A Link To Your Martial Arts Roots?


Then Join The Korea Hapkido Federation HaeMuKwan!!!

Now Is Your Chance! Adding a Hapkido program can increase adult enrollments, improve retention, and boost profits. Hapkido has proven itself as the premier self defense art and an essential part of an effective self-defense program for elite Police and Military units and now it is available to YOU! Your school can have a successful Hapkido program!

Why Offer Hapkido At Your School? Hapkido is a great martial art for attracting adult students between the ages of 16-55 years old. This market wants to learn Hapkido. Now you can fill that need, make more money, expand your knowledge and earn your Black Belt in Hapkido.

But I’ve Never Done Hapkido? Our systematic program is designed so that you can learn enough Hapkido to begin teaching it at your school in as little as 1 week. If the US Secret Service can learn enough Hapkido in a few days to protect our President then YOU can certainly learn enough in a week to teach a beginner class. Haemukwan Hapkido is the most scientifically advanced and easy to learn program in the world. 

How Do I Learn and Get Certified? You will be a part of our Hapkido distance learning program with video training and practice the techniques everyday with a partner. Also, we are available for private lessons and seminars to help speed up your learning process. In order to earn rank, you need to meet the minimum requirements and pass each belt test set forth by the Korea Hapkido Federation HaeMuKwan.


Who Are You? I am Richard Hackworth, Grand Master of Hapkido with the Korean Hapkido Federation, founder of HaeMuKwan Hapkido. I am the editor of “World Martial Arts Magazine” and host of the “World Martial Arts Magazine Show” on the Action Radio Network. I have been successfully using this program since 1991 to train students and instructors.

Why Should I Choose Your Program? Because I know what busy school owners like you need! Simply look at the class calendar, see what section you need to teach, look in the Instructor Handbook at the specific techniques you need to teach and practice the techniques on the video. It is that easy. Our curriculum is the most scientifically advanced self defense system in the world and that is why we are so successful. Plus we have the most complete marketing program ever used in the martial arts industry. Your school will dominate your area as a member of the Korea Hapkido Federation Haemukwan.

What Does Your Program Include?

Beginner/Intermediate Hapkido Curriculum DVD or Video

Korea Hapkido Federation Haemukwan Instructor Certificate (must qualify)

Belt Testing Requirements

Instructor Handbook

Class plans for 1 year and Attendance Cards (Master copies)

Korea Hapkido Federation Haemukwan School Affiliate Membership

Korea Hapkido Federation Haemukwan School Certificate

Korea Hapkido Federation Haemukwan Flag and Patch

Free Directory Listing for Your School In Our Official Website

Annual Private Guided Training Trip to Korea

For more information on our HaeMuKwan Hapkido Instructor Training Program:
Call Today! 352-536-1122
or visit us online at

Best Regards,

Richard Hackworth

P.S. Korea Hapkido Federation Haemukwan members qualify to be invited on our private guided tour to Korea where you will get to learn from the top Grand Masters, Elite Police and Military Instructors and much more!

P.S. Join by January 1st 2010 to help celebrate our 10 year anniversary as an official member of the Korean Hapkido Federation and get a Free Subscription & Directory Listing on The World Martial Arts Magazine Website and a Free Membership & Directory Listing on The National Promoters League Website.

Benefits of Hapkido Ki Breathing

December 1, 2009

The Benefits of Hapkido Ki Breathing

By: Dr. Ronald W. Stone, Hapkido Instructor, American Dragon Martial Arts Academies Clermont, Florida. Certified Hapkido Black Belt with the Korean Hapkido Federation

The most widely practiced controlled breathing exercise in Hapkido is identified as “DAN JUN Breathing.”  This strengthens the thoracic musculature, the diaphragm and oxygenates the body in an effort to build a strong union between mind, spirit, and the body’s muscular skill and availability

The Dan Jun is believed by Hapkido practitioners to be the center of energy (KI) in the human body. Dan means red or fire and Jun means field, so Dan Jun can be interpreted as meaning the active source of power in the body. As the center of energy, it is the key to human vitality and strength.

Dan Jun is interpreted by some Hapkido masters as meaning the active source of power in the body. As the center of energy, it is the key to human vitality and strength.  The Dan Jun is believed to be the center of energy (KI) in the human body and is located about three inches below the navel. Through repetitive and continual Dan Jun exercises, each individual will eventually determine the location of their own personal Ki energy center.

            Physiologically the type of breathing performed during Hapkido Dan Jun exercises is described as Thoraco-abdominal breathing.  During this type of inhalation and exhalation air is consciously drawn into the lower lungs by the strong use of the abdominal musculature rather than the normal and automatic shallow pattern which primarily passes air into the upper lungs.

For Hapkido practitioners it important to understand that the process of breathing has two components, ventilation and respiration.  Ventilation is defined as the process by which air is moved through the respiratory system from the nose or mouth downwards through the trachea into the lungs.  Ventilation can be automatic, that is controlled by the body’s autonomic nervous system, or it can be slowed or accelerated by conscious intention.  The amount and rate of air flow will be determined by the size of the respiratory organs (nasal openings, throat, trachea lung capacity etc.) and the action of the respiratory musculature (intercostal muscles, diaphragm). 

            Respiration is the interchange of oxygen from the air with the tissues of the body.  It is the reason ventilation exists.  In the human body neither can exist without the other.  Air must be moved into the lungs (ventilation) but oxygen must be able to leave the air and enter the bloodstream (respiration) in order to supply cells with this basic need for energy.

            Learning Hapkido Ki breathing will enhance these basic life support mechanisms.  The better you breathe better you feel and perform.  Better oxygenation improves alertness, reduces stress and creates a sense of well being.  New studies have also demonstrated that increasing the blood’s oxygen level decreases perception of pain.

 To the contrary, improper breathing such as hyperventilating (excessively rapid and shallow breathing) or holding ones breath due to fear, anxiety or stress will lead to a buildup of toxic substances such as carbon dioxide.  This deprives both mind and body of the ability to function properly.

Just as a pearl diver learns to increase the lung’s ability in order to perform deeper and longer dives, proper Hapkido Ki breathing will train the respiratory system as well as the mind to handle situations that require more energy and more lung capacity.

It is a well recognized phenomenon that when a person is faced with a major physical threat to life or limb there is a discharge of body chemicals (adrenaline rush).  This is often described as the “fight or flight reflex.”  One side effect of this emotional shock to the system (fear factor) is a dramatic change in breathing patterns from normal to a rapid shallow pattern.  Eventually hyperventilation occurs and as previously mentioned the end result will be an abnormal and detrimental change in the acid base balance of the blood to the point where unconsciousness may even result

            Hapkido breathing not only expands lung capacity but it allows one to train the body to relax and to gain control over both emotion and body function.  Even the Dan Jun stance taken in order to practice Ki breathing has its advantages such as improved posture, better muscle tone, alignment of Ki centers and improved vascular flow from the legs.

Hapkido Ki breathing benefits are many:: improved focus, stress reduction, improved circulation, cleansing of the body, increased ki energy, improved oxygenization of blood for increased alertness.

Hapkido Stances by Dr. R.W. Stone

December 1, 2009


Dr. Ronald W. Stone, Hapkido Instructor American Dragon Martial Arts Academies Clermont, Florida

     Like any other technique in Hapkido, the importance of stance should be studied with regard to three factors:

1.  Importance of the technique to a proper defence

2.  Importance of the technique (stance) to a  proper offense

3.  Importance of the technique to the formation of the individual, the development of Ki energy, and the martial artist’s performance

The way we communicate with others can be broken down into the following categories:

Physiology (dilated eyes, breathing patterns, perspiration etc) = about 55%

Psychology (posture, body movements, fisting, gestures, etc) = about 35%

Words +10%

This illustrates that body language is often as important as verbal communication skills.  The way a person positions himself (takes a certain stance) at any given moment is an expression of mental attitude as well as physical ability.  This is one reason why the elderly, the infirm, or the weak minded are so often singled out by social predators for attack.  The very nature of the victim portrays and projects an image of susceptibility, of weakness and of fear. 

 Most attackers are by nature cowardly and prefer to strike by surprise.  They choose to win by stealth, intimidation or overwhelming force of numbers.  If such an attacker has to choose between an old man walking down the street bent over or limping, or a self confident man who walks erect, is well balanced and exudes an aura of strength, the criminal will almost certainly attack the weaker target. 

An attacker can read non-verbal cues.  He can tell just by looking at someone and by the way they “hold themselves” whether that person is weak, frightened, confident, or alert.  Hapkido stances should allow one to look like a victor not a victim.   Predators always prefer to attack the weaker members of the herd. It is wise to remember the old axiom; “When you are strong appear weak, and when you are weak appear strong!”

This same non verbal communication effect is often noticed in martial arts tournaments at the start of a match.  When two equally matched opponents face each other, victory often goes to the one who initiates the match from a power leg forward, chin tucked aggressive stance as practiced in Hapkido.  This position will off balance the opponent who fights from a defensive stance.  The effect is not only a physical one (positional advantage and speed) but a psychological one as well.

When studying the importance of proper stance for defense in Hapkido it should be remembered that its purpose is to create a physical barrier between yourself and your potential attacker without creating a negative image that might initiate a fight.  A proper stance conveys the message that while you do not wish violence, you are clearly willing to defend yourself if you have to.  Coupled with aggressive and confident verbal skills it is often all that is necessary to fend off an attacker. 

The objective of the defensive stance in Hapkido is to protect as much of your body as possible, to prevent being thrown off balance, and to allow for an effective counterattack should the need arise.  An example of this might be:

1.     Tucking the elbows in to protect the mid section

2. Raising one’s hands to cover the face and chin,
3.   Bending the knees slightly for enhanced balance and to fend off kicks
4.  Turning the shoulder to form a tight and compact defense
5.    Tucking the chin in for protection while at the same time lowering the head slightly and narrowing the eyes in order to create an aggressive attitude.

As difficult as it may be to properly relax the body into a well balanced stance during a stressful or dangerous situation it is vitally important.  This seems to be a strange recommendation for dealing with a threat response.  After all, many other martial arts teach their students to harden themselves at the first sign of trouble and to fight with as strong a body as possible.  Hapkido however is best applied with a relaxed mental attitude and with proper utilization of Ki energy, speed and flexibility.  As Grandmaster Hackworth once pointed out, no matter how strong one trains to become, and no matter how tall or hard one’s body is, there will always be someone born stronger, bigger or taller.  There will always be someone else who started training earlier, trained harder or longer.  You can’t fight genetics or the clock. 

In other words, when hard body meets hard body straight on, both suffer damage.  A proper Hapkido defensive stance should therefore allow one to both absorb the attack without suffering injury, and to rapidly counter.  A good stance allows the practitioner to rapidly shift into another stance should it become necessary without loss of time and without making oneself more vulnerable.  It is best to remember that Hapkido is at the same time both a hard and a soft martial art and is therefore not limited by mere physical strength.  If Hapkido teaches us anything it is that speed, flexibility and quick thinking will always provide the superior weapons.

There are numerous Hapkido stances from which one can either attack or defend.  All share similar characteristics.  A proper stance must allow for balance, flexibility, speed and strength of attack or counter.  The practitioner must understand the fundamentals of stance, since all other techniques flow from a proper base.  Blocks, throws, strikes and kicks all depend on the martial artist having a proper stance.  Correct body position allows practitioners to perform without fatigue, muscle cramping or loss of balance.

In a proper offense just as in defense it is important to first evade the opponent’s attack by avoiding, blocking, trapping or absorbing the blow or kick.   Once the Hapkido practitioner has elected to take the offense with an attack or a counter, the technique, whether it be kick, throw or hand strike, must deliver Ki energy, speed, accuracy, power and focus directly into the target area.  Most of the thrust of the attack will project from the legs and hips upward into the point of contact.  Simply being off balance will jeopardize the effectiveness of any of these techniques.  A proper stance in offense can provide a strong base from which to launch a powerful blow or perhaps create a springboard which will add speed and focus into a fast attack.

Learning the proper Hapkido stances will improve posture, temper our emotions and help control our thoughts.  The mind doesn’t like to stay focused on one thing for very long, particularly if that one thing is difficult, painful, or unexciting.  Stance training is an ideal way to calm and control the mind.  Just like sitting meditation or concentration exercises, stance training correctly positions and stills the body and allows for more astute observations and mental control.

In meditation one tends to sit comfortably and forget about the body. Hapkido stance training is unique in that the body, though still and unmoving, quickly begins sending messages to the brain regarding muscular exertion and pain.  With practice and patience this can eventually be overcome, thus bestowing greater confidence and self control.

Perhaps the greatest reason for stance training is to cultivate Ki or inner energy.  While holding stances in Hapkido, you don’t need to consciously think about or manipulate your Ki; the process is automatic. Some martial artists believe that you have to control and direct Ki with your mind to make it flow through the body’s many meridians, reservoirs or orbits. While such control can be practiced by high level students to “fine-tune” the Ki flow, for most people this attempt at controlling Ki is both unnecessary and potentially damaging.  More attention should be paid to correct posture, proper rooting, releasing the mind and body, and breathing naturally and correctly. If you follow these simple guidelines, an increase in energy and Ki will come naturally and in time will spread throughout your body of its own accord.       

From a purely western medical standpoint we know that the leg and thigh muscles comprise the majority of the body’s musculature and make up a greater part of the vascular supply.  An increase in utilization of these muscles will in fact burn off more fat and energy than upper body exercise training alone.  It will also improve overall circulatory function.  An example of this would be the current popularity of stair stepping machines which have been shown to have more benefits than simple flat treadmills. 

The same effects can be achieved with correct Hapkido martial arts stance training.  If one examines the horse stance for example it quickly becomes obvious that when correctly performed the back is straight, the pelvis is tilted forward, the legs move apart and the knees are bent.  This stance aligns the Ki centers of the body, improves the posture of the spine, and strengthens the leg muscles supporting the knees.

Each Hapkido stance has its own advantages and disadvantages.  Some stances are maintained by positioning the body into a low and wide base, such as the traditional low front stance.  Others are created in a base narrow flexed position, such as the Tiger stance.  Some provide strength and power from a side to side direction (such as the lower horse stance), while others offer better balance to counter a frontal attack.

Regardless of the benefits of each individual stance it must be noted no one position will offer a perfect solution for all threats or all directions.   It is for this reason that Hapkido training emphasizes the development of strength, balance and Ki energy in an individual position while at the same time teaching the student how to rapidly flow from one position to another.  Speed, inner strength, and flexibility must be the hallmarks of any stance training.  The benefits will become immediately obvious whether one speaks of defense, offense, mental or physical health.

Whenever proper stance is discussed in the martial arts a reference to the tree and its roots is inevitably mentioned, and perhaps with good reason.  Just as the roots must give solid support to the tree trunk, so must a good Hapkido stance allow for a strong base.  It is wise to remember the adage however that the tree that doesn’t bend with the wind eventually breaks.  The correct Hapkido stance must therefore not only provide strength and rooting, but also allow for flexibility.  Hapkido is both hard and soft, just as is the proper stance.

Hapkido Ki Breathing by Andrea Stone

December 1, 2009

Hapkido Ki Breathing (DanJun Hohup)

By Action Radio Network Spokes Model, Andrea Stone, Hapkido Black Belt at the American Dragon Martial Arts Academies in Clermont, Florida, certified by the Korean Hapkido Federation.

Hapkido Ki Breathing is an essential part of the Hapkido system. In the martial art of Hapkido we breath in, inhale, to build or develop Ki energy and we breath out, exhale, to move Ki energy. This allow the Hapkido practitioner to apply the moving Ki energy to their techniques. The Haemukwan Hapkido system is well know for this application of Ki energy in all of the techniques.

Hapkido Ki Breathing Exercise #1

To the Front

Step 1:  Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with your knees facing straight forward. Bend your knees slightly so you are almost in a horse-back-riding stance.  Tilt your pelvis forward so that your back is straightened and all your Ki centers are aligned, look straight ahead.

Step 2: For the first breath, inhale deeply, through your nose, bringing your hands up to your chest, with you fingers curled slightly to cup your hands.

Step 3: On the exhale, bend you knees further into the horse-riding stance so that you lower yourself straight down. At the same time, push your arms straight out in front of you, keeping your hands verticals, with palms parallel to each other.

Step 4: As you finish exhaling straighten back up and bring your hands back to chest level. 

Hapkido Ki Breathing Exercises #2


Step 1:  Stand with your feet shoulder-length apart with your knees facing straight forward. Bend your knees slightly so you are almost in a horse-back-riding stance.  Tilt your pelvis forward so that your back is straightened and all your Ki centers are aligned, look straight ahead.

Step 2: For the first breath, inhale deeply, through your nose, bringing your hands up to your chest, with you fingers curled slightly to cup your hands.

Step 3: On the exhale, bend you knees further into the horse-riding stance so that you lower yourself straight down. At the same time, push your arms up, with your palms facing away from you. Your index fingers and thumbs should create the shape of a triangle. Bring your arms straight up over your head, as you look through the triangle. When you’ve reached tup as far as you can, you should have about finished exhaling, at which point you should lower your arms back to the resting position.

Hapkido Ki Breathing Exercise #3


Step 1:  Stand with your feet shoulder-length apart with your knees facing straight forward. Bend your knees slightly so you are almost in a horse-back-riding stance.  Tilt your pelvis forward so that your back is straightened and all your Ki centers are aligned, look straight ahead.

Step 2: For the first breath, inhale deeply, through your nose, bringing your hands up to your chest, with you fingers curled slightly to cup your hands.

Step 3: On the exhale, bend you knees further into the horse-back-riding stance so that you lower yourself straight down. At the same time, turn your hands so palms face downward, with your index fingers and thumbs recreating the triangle shape from exercise 2. When you have pushed your arms all the way down, turn your palms outward, so that the backs of your hands are facing each other (thumbs down). Then rotate your hands back to the standard position and bring them straight up and straighten back into the standard resting position.  

Hapkido Ki Breathing Exercise #4


Step 1:  Stand with your feet shoulder-length apart with your knees facing straight forward. Bend your knees slightly so you are almost in a horse-back-riding stance.  Tilt your pelvis forward so that your back is straightened and all your Ki centers are aligned, look straight ahead.

Step 2: For the first breath, inhale deeply, through your nose, bringing your hands up to your chest, with you fingers curled slightly to cup your hands.

Step 3: On the exhale, bend you knees further into the horse-back-riding stance so that you lower yourself straight down. At the same time push your arms out to your sides, as if trying to hold open the doors of an elevator manually. Once fully extended, rotate your wrists so that your hands are now thumbs-down. Keeping your elbows slightly locked, bring your arms back to the front, and when they meet in front of you, turn your hands so that your palms are parallel, and bring your arms back to the standard resting position.

About the author: Andrea Stone is a Black Belt in Haemukwan Hapkido at the American Dragon Martial Arts Academies in Clermont, Florida. She is also the official Spokes Model for the Action Radio Network and an honors student at East Ridge High School in Clermont, Florida.