Why Learn Martial Arts

August 7, 2013

By Dr. Ronald Stone

As both a father whose daughter grew up in the martial arts and an instructor with black belt rank in three different styles I feel somewhat qualified to comment on some of the observations I have made in over 40 years in and out of training.  I have visited numerous schools throughout the years and couldn’t help but notice that the more prestigious ones shared similar traits. Please note that I said “prestigious” not big or fancy, because while I truly believe quality and education should be rewarded economically, profit and prestige are not necessarily the same thing.  One only has to remember the first Karate Kid movie. I ask you, would you rather study with a humble but qualified Mr. Miyagi at the beach or with the financially successful owner of the Cobra Kai school with all his colorful mats, punching pads and large number of delinquent students? I thought so.  So what is it that all these schools I would have liked to study at have in common?

Dr. Ron Stone

Hapkido Master Dr. Ronald Stone

Forty years ago when I first went looking for a martial arts instructor I was more interested in the qualifications and knowledge of the instructor than the color of his floor mats but then I was a relative exception to the rule.  Most parents today don’t really do much research and confuse “showy” with knowledgeable or worse yet fun with education and preparation. Having a lot of kids laughing and running around may impress a certain number of uneducated parents but my experience is that they end up leaving all too soon due to a lack of support or long term interest. A wise man once said that you only have one chance to make a good first impression and that is certainly true in the martial arts.

You can be a great instructor but to teach you must first attract, sign up, and maintain students. I believe that parents or prospective students shouldn’t feel uncomfortable or out of place upon first entering a dojang.

Regardless of how humble or large the school is, an effort should be made to welcome strangers and make them feel at home. Questions should be answered and a place made available where they can watch.  Some sort of literature should be immediately handed to them in order to overcome any time constraints or in case they don’t know what questions to answer.  I am also a believer in using posted legitimate credentials as a subtle marketing device. Diplomas, trophies and other awards should be obvious but not blatant.  By this I mean they should be something the parent or student realizes but not one that is rubbed in their face (so to speak). I distinctly remember entering a dojang some years back and before anyone said hello or even inquired as to my previous experience they started bragging about all their trophies and the school’s success at tournaments. It was clearly a “my style is better than your style” situation and since humility is supposed to be part of the arts I left disgusted with their boastful attitude.

At the time I was more interested in self-defense than sport competition and consequently they were never given the chance to explain their capabilites in that type of instruction because they had jumped to the conclusion that I was ignorant of the martial arts. Listen to what the customer is interested in before beginning any sales approach.  Fulfill their needs not your own ego’s.

Cleanliness and first impressions are very important.  I’m not talking about fancy, just clean and orderly.  Many parents are also interested in the discipline aspect of the arts, and if they aren’t they should be.  In several of the schools I’ve attended a certain period of time before class even started was devoted to having students sweep the mats or vacuum and cleaning around the dojang.  It was explained to the parents from the outset that this wasn’t to replace a cleaning crew on the cheap but rather to teach students to take pride in their school and to teach them responsibility.

Class schedules were strictly enforced and parents were made to understand the importance of not interrupting by tardiness or by uninvited participation. While no one understands the difficulty of risking angering a potential paying customer, for every parent who leaves because his child’s arrival twenty minutes late meant he wasn’t allowed on the mat, others will leave if they perceive a lack of proper decorum and object to the interference or interruption of the class they are paying good money for.  The concept of respect for oneself and one’s classmates must be a hallmark of any martial arts school and this concept must be explained though the parents so they can help promote the concept. To avoid such embarrassments a large sign can be posted with a list of 5 or six major class rules (arrive on time, uniforms must be worn, they must be clean, etc.)

There seems to be a tendency to modernize the martial arts with name changes like “Modern this” or “Combat that” but truthfully I believe the core student population prefers stability and evidence of martial art longevity and traditional success.  Uniforms and required routines like bowing in, facing the flag, addressing the instructors properly etc. help set the stage for that impression.  Another more “modernized” school I visited in Miami in the 90’s was a classic example of how to turn away a serious martial artist.  I was looking for a school to train my 5 year old daughter so naturally I chose the closest one in the style I desired. What I didn’t know however was that this particular school was one of a franchise chain. The school was situated in an upscale neighborhood and in a rather pricey mall.  With all the signage and location I expected to find a successful martial arts school.  It may have done well financially but when I entered I immediately noticed the number of parents and students walking around the mats with shoes still on. The noise was deafening and not from Ki-ahps but rather from parents talking and kids running around unsupervised.  One young student ran up to me with a uniform emblazoned with so many patches he looked like a Nascar driver. On his belt were several stars and stripes. When I asked about the stars he informed me they were not from success in the art but rather because he had finished his homework or because he got a good grade in school on a report. In spite of the current politically correct mentality of child rearing I personally do not believe giving awards for merely showing up is in the long run a good idea. If everyone in class recieves a promotion simply for showing up then where is the pride in accomplishment? What does an “A” in school mean if everyone gets one.

Most of us remember the boring teacher in the movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (Bueller, Bueller, anyone?) and trust me that attitude will lose students faster Bruce Lees one inch punch.  The instructor must convey a sense of enthusiasm and vary the class routine.  While repetition is essential to proper martial arts training it can still be achieved with moving drills and games that emphasize proper technique while still make the time go quickly.  Such things as coordination exercises (crossing lines back and forth at a jump, maze drills, dodge ball, column moving drills etc) make the children feel like they are at play while still instructing them and helping increase strength and reflexes.

I am firmly convinced that the success of a child martial artist is due in large part to the “soccer mom” attitude of the parents.  To succeed in the martial arts someone has to take the child to class two to three times a week for years and put up with temper tantrums, pleas to quit and do other things, financial hardship etc.  Therefore it is essential to educate the parents as well and to allow them to participate in some fashion.  Whether it be in hosting a birthday party, or helping organize a demonstration at a school or church.  Whenever possible I like to have a couple of willing parents hold the kicking pads so I can do maze or speed drills.

It gives them a feeling of sharing the experience with their children and occasionally some of the parents end up taking lessons as well. A decent dojang should pay attention to detail.  Having a place to put one’s shoes lends an impression of orderliness. The same is true of the locker room. Trust me, trying to change clothes in a bathroom so small there is no room to place to turn around or to hang one’s things is annoying.

Pads should be but away in an orderly manner, not left lying around.  There is nothing wrong with not having the most expensive pads or kicking dummies (remember Mr. Miyagi’s “paint the fence or “wax on wax off?”) but what you do have should appear well maintained.  Some of the best and most entertaining drills I remember were trying to kick a simple tennis ball suspended from a string or trying to block or kick a series of rubber balls thrown at the student.(Dodge Ball.)  At the end of class however they should be collected and put in a bin or drawer.

I remember a rather small two story dojang taught by a Taekwondo master.  The upstairs mat area was not big enough to both hold class and at the same time allow parents to watch.  The master cleverly solved the problem by installing a camera upstairs and video screen downstairs so the parents could watch and comment without disrupting the class. A coke machine for the parents even helped a little with the school’s finances.

Finally the better dojangs are those who have instructors trained in a certified curriculum, not in a monkey see monkey do approach to the martial arts.

These types of schools often confuse endless exercises with martial arts instruction or disguise their lack of knowledge with a narcissistic attitude.  Exercise is important but not to the extent that you lose students who don’t yet have the conditioning necessary or worse yet spend so much time with push-ups they never learn to defend themselves from a trained attacker.

Martial arts exercise is supposed to limber the student for class to avoid injury and to build the stamina and flexibility necessary to learn the necessary techniques.  In the end however it is the technique one is supposed to learn not the exercise.  The end goal having a superior self-defense capability not merely a superior physique.

So in the end there is no magic to what is mentioned above.  Most partents teach it to their children early on.  Respect, integrity, humility, cleanliness, promptness and education.  Trust me, the discerning parent looks for the same philosophy when selecting a school for their kids. I know I did. As a martial arts instructor and student I try to implement all of the above tips into our Hapkido school in Ocoee, Florida.

Physically Strong Knowledgeabley Weak

July 23, 2012

I remember a discussion I had a while back with a Grand master who had returned from a Hapkido seminar that he was invited to teach.  After the two day seminar was over one of the more physically fit and higher ranked men in this group of attendees confided to the Grand Master that although he had been in the martial arts for thirty years he had never even seen half of the techniques that were taught, even though many of the techniques shown were fairly basic for lower dan ranks in Korea.

Hapkido teacher in Ocoee, Florida

Grand Master Richard Hackworth, teaches the total mind, body and spirit training that is a tradition in Korea

Unfortunately there are many in the martial arts industry who confuse gymnastics and exercise with martial arts. I am not saying that physical fitness is not important, I am saying it should not be confused with the primary mission of martial arts instruction which is self-defense training. Proper training methods help to develop your total mind, body and spirit. This particular seminar attendee obviously had trained for years while learning from a substandard instructor who camouflaged his lack of knowledge by filling the class time with exercises and repetitive drills. Those who studied with him mistook rank advancement with increasing physical fitness and speed or improvement in the limited number of techniques learned. Being able to perform a certain number of pushups was part of his black belt exam.  I equate this with the man who studies for years to be the fastest draw in town without knowing you also have to put bullets in the gun, aim and fire. He may look good, be in great shape and draw first, but when he finally goes up against a real gunslinger he will learn a very nasty lesson. A teacher who would fail to seek out the advanced knowledge that he lacks while telling his students that rank requirement stuff is just “politics” is morally and ethically weak.

I recently read with great delight about Keiko Fukuda the highest-ranked female judo practitioner in history, holding the rank of 9th dan from the Kodokan and the United States Judo Federation (USJF), and 10th dan from USA Judo, and is the last surviving student of Kanō Jigorō, founder of judo. She was born in at the turn of the last century and the last video clip I saw of her when was seated in a chair with a cane teaching students at the Kodokan.  Should we criticize her skills or rank because she is in her nineties and frail and not “physically fit like Heidi Klum?”

My point is that martial art rank requires not only physical skills but experience and knowledge as well.  While we certainly need exercises in order to limber up and to prevent injuries, and while the more fit individual has the better chance in a physical encounter, it is not the sole factor to consider in rank advancement.  In fact in the final Grand Master ranks promotion is based on education, knowledge, theory and students success rather than on a physical demonstration of fitness.  My understanding is that Chuck Norris has had a hip transplant. Should we criticize his martial arts skills because he uses his son to double for his high spin kicks? Steven Segal is a little larger around the waist than he was twenty years ago.  Does anyone seriously doubt his rank because he is not as fit as he once was?

While there are many tremendously fit football players in college sports, I personally would rather study with Don Shula or Dan Marino even though they may not run as fast or throw as far any more.  If it is teaching I need I want the most knowledgeable instructor. Someone who has “been there done that” so to speak.

I am always impressed with men like Jack Lalaine and Buster Crabbe who could model clothes and swim the English channel in their eighties but truthfully they have always been the exception to the rule. As someone pointed out to me once, you can train a monkey to flip and kick but they can’t earn martial arts rank.  Of course they can’t because there is so much more than jumping and doing cartwheels and the true masters know that.  We all strive to be as fit as we can be but life and genetics take their toll.

Recently I read with horror and dismay about a sport Karate master who was sexually abusing students. Should he be praised for his fitness?  Certainly not.  The martial arts, especially arts like Hapkido, are also about respect, humility and self-discipline.  My point is that while physical fitness is an important aspect to training it should not be confused with the end all do all of the martial arts.  Again I ask you would you rather study say Kung fu with a twenty year old local tournament winner who is in perfect shape or with Jackie Chan.  I know my answer but then again I am over 50 and not quite as easily impressed as I once was.

I’m sure that the master mentioned at the beginning of this article did not understand why I was not so impressed with his large biceps but lacked fundamental knowledge of Hapkido principles. He was proud of his physical strength and the hard work that it took to develop it. But he failed to realize that he had ignored the development of wisdom and virtue. It made him physically fit but morally weak and that is not the way of the Warrior.

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Benefits of Meditation for Hapkido Students

March 31, 2012
winter garden martial arts school

Master Ron Stone and Andrea

By Dr. Ronald W. Stone

American Dragon Martial Arts Academies
Clermont, Ocoee and Orlando,Florida

Meditation benefits those in the martial arts because it develops both mind, body and spirit.  It has a number of health and psychological benefits. Because it reduces stress and lowers heart rate (which is beneficial to the body) meditation prior to training can make the experience more enjoyable.

The most common form of mediation in Hapkido occurs from a particular sitting position.  It is inevitable that there will be both physical and physiological benefits, as well as the more recognized mental effects.

The concept of mediation implies obtaining personal control of one’s mental state and entering a higher plane of relaxation.  The object is to create a greater awareness of the subconscious mind.  To do so requires mentally overcoming and ignoring the body’s aches and pains, and developing a greater control of breathing and circulation.

Physical effects can be noted starting with during initial phase of pre training meditation. Meditations begins with the correct positioning of the body into a sitting position with the legs crossed and the hands resting on the knees.  The practitioner should not slouch.  In this manner Ki energy centers are aligned, or in more western terms, posture is improved with correct positioning of the spine.  Sitting in this manner will strengthen back, neck and abdominal muscles, and help stretch leg muscles.  At the same time this position helps flex the knees and hips.  Initially this is a slightly painful or stressful position especially for the untrained, the elderly or the infirm (i.e. Arthritis).  Eventually the Hapkido practitioner will improve back, leg, and lower joint strength, posture and flexibility.

From a more physiological standpoint meditation will lower blood pressure.  According to masters of meditation there are two elements making up meditation: the “jing,” which means calmness and stillness, and the “ding,” which stands for concentration and focus. Calmness is directed towards cutting off external factors of disturbance and enabling one to direct attention towards the inner self.  By allowing the mind to concentrate, a state called “one-pointed awareness” is achieved.  This state allows a deep concentration, allowing the practitioner a better understanding of any elements that are focused on. There should be no, or very limited, distractions during this heightened awareness state. This technique may be used efficiently to find solutions to problems presented by the outside world. It also prepares one to deal with such difficulties.

There are different thought processes (mental tricks if you will) that can help the practitioner achieve these higher levels of relaxation.  One common method is to picture in one’s mind an image of a flowing river with large waves.  Concentrating on slowing the river and calming the waves is an effective technique.  Another image that is often used is that of a flickering candle.  During deep meditation the idea is to slow and eventually stop the movement of the candle light.  During such meditation the practitioner must learn to ignore sound, light and smells that might otherwise create distractions.  Focusing solely at first on breathing patterns and heartbeat will help in achieving this goal.

In more medical terms, as the mind and body relax and jing is reached the heart rate will slow down and blood pressure will drop.  Body tissues metabolism slows thus requiring less energy and oxygen.  This allows more oxygen and energy to be diverted to the brain and its thought processes.  Endorphins are also released further enhancing this state of calm.  As the Hapkido student repeatedly practices mediation the body will become more accustomed to the correct position and less effort will be expended by the mind to overcome physical discomfort, again allowing for more energy to be diverted to the brain.

An important aspect of meditation is the control of breathing.  As one learns meditative breathing there will be various results.  Correct breathing should include a slower and deeper rhythmic pattern with inhalation occurring through the nose and exhalation through the mouth with a slow yet vocal expulsion of air.   The inhalation increases Ki energy, helps slow heart rate and creates the sense of ding,” which stands for concentration and focus. Calmness is directed towards cutting off external factors of disturbance and this enables the practitioner to direct more attention towards the inner self.  This pattern of meditative breathing brings Ki energy in and the vocal expulsion eliminates negative energy.  In western medical terms such breathing patterns allow for hyper oxygenation of tissues and the strong exhalations eliminate carbon dioxide and prevents detrimental lactic acid buildup.

While trying to achieve a higher mental state of calm and awareness (jing and ding) it is necessary to ignore physical discomfort, focus on breathing and allowing the conscious mind to relax.  Through this process one should achieve a state called “one-pointed awareness.” In this state it is easier to achieve a deep level of concentration, allowing a better understanding of any elements that are focused on.  There should be no, or very limited, distractions during this heightened awareness state. This technique may be used efficiently to find solutions to problems presented by the outside world. It also prepares one to deal with these difficulties.  Creating a rhythmic “drumbeat” breathing pattern helps increase internal energy and helps block out outside interferences.   This state is very similar to descriptions of the level achieved during autohypnosis.

The benefits of meditation will to a certain extent vary with the goals and philosophy of the practitioner.  The belief system of the martial artist, whether it be Taoist, Buddhist, Hindu or Western cannot help but influence the end results of meditation.  Regardless, all those practicing meditation will benefit to one degree or another, whether that benefit be spiritual, medical or corporal.

It is interesting to note that since Hapkido is at the same time both a hard and a soft art; it’s most strenuous and rigorous training regimes are initiated with pre-training medication to prepare mind and body.  Meditation during the day will help the strongest and most dedicated to relax and to control their emotions.

Since Hapkido teaches that those who lose their temper, tire first or are overly stressed will suffer most during a fight, medication becomes an essential aspect of training.  Meditation benefits Hapkido martial art training because it develops mind, body and spirit. It reduces stress, creates a sense of well being, and makes Hapkido all the more enjoyable.

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Hapkido Self-Defense Strategies and Philosophy in the Martial Arts

March 16, 2012

Over the years (42) I have visited many martial arts schools and have trained in several different styles such as Taekwondo and Hapkido.  Recently I became interested in the philosophical approach to self-defense.  This means to meet an attack with the appropriate level of response to protect one’s self.

Hapkid self defense

Richard Hackworth practicing Hapkido with the Korean Presidential Body Guards and Korea SWAT.

The most common principle taught at most martial arts schools concerns how to react to an attack with a decisive counter reaction.  The problem is that not all attacks require devastating counter attacks to be effective self-defense.

Consider for example the case of a child in school who takes a swing at a classmate who happens to be one of your students. I’m sure any student who has been in class for more than a week has learned how to block and counter a punch.  Perhaps they have been taught a throwing technique which while defensive in nature, can still be deadly when someone is thrown to the concrete floor.

The Hapkido philosophy I am referring to is that of distraction, control and simple immobilization rather than counter attacking with a devastating or finishing technique.  In other words there will be occasions in life where non-lethal force will be necessary for self-defense.

If you are a martial artist it will be hard to defend in court why you chose to react to an unarmed purse snatcher with a fatal hand strike to the throat or a permanently paralyzing roundhouse kick to the lumbar spine.  Try talking your way out of court when your red belt son responds to a simple push by breaking the bullies fingers and then leg sweeping him to the cement floor resulting in a fractured skull.

Many instructors fail to realize that not all self-defense situations are “Mortal Combat” and fail to provide their students with non-lethal alternatives to self-defense.  Much of this is because most schools don’t have a real curriculum or qualified instructor but more on that in another article. When considering non-lethal or even non crippling self-defense techniques the first aspect is that of distraction. In Hapkido, and most other martial arts, you learn that the Ki-ahp yell is valuable for increasing Ki and the power of a technique.  It can also serve as a distraction to an attacker.  When an attacker is confronted with a loud yell directed back at him even the slightest flinch or blink can give the defender a momentary edge.  A Ki-ahp can cause an attacker to hesitative or to take a back step, allowing the defender to change positions.  This will set up the control part of the combination, or the neural-stun.

At our self-defense school in Clermont, Ocoee, Winter Garden and Orlando, Florida we teach that a Hapkido neural–stun is a technique directed to a pain or Ki point causing a momentary surge of pain that disrupts the mind.  Anyone who has ever banged a shin while walking somewhere will testify to the incredible pain that takes over all thought processes.  Any thought of doing anything other than yelling, bending over and grabbing the shin immediately disappears.  At this precise moment of pain one is particularly vulnerable.  When taught correctly the neural stun can be performed in such a manner as to create the appearance that the attacker stumbled into the attack.  In other words you can create the impression the defense was accidental rather than intentional. (i.e.: “He ran right into me, tripped and must have stubbed his shin on my foot.” Or “I had my hands up and he swung right into me.  My thumb must have jabbed his shoulder.”)

Once the attacker has been temporarily stunned the defender can either escape or to subdue by means of a Hapkido joint lock, arm, leg or knee bar, or simple choke.  Of course when attacked you can always argue self-defense but self-defense instructors should remember that in the confusion of an attack things are not always so obvious to witnesses. Causing a bruised shin or a sore pressure point is much more defensible than breaking an arm, cracking a rib or worse yet hospitalizing an opponent with a concussion. The court system is full of attackers who turned the legal tables on their victims either by pretending that they were in fact the victims or by arguing excessive force was inflicted upon them.

Every day people are faced with situations where non-lethal self-defense force is preferable such as disputes with neighbors, arguments at work, having to deal with an unarmed alcoholic just to name a few.  In these situations it is wise not only to study the verbal skills of conflict avoidance but to study the techniques to distract, control and immobilize, rather than the more lethal martial arts moves.

Winter Garden self defense school

Dr. Ron Stone with daughter Andrea.

By: Dr. Ronald W. Stone

American Dragon Martial Arts Hapkido Instructor in Ocoee, Florida

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Hapkido Training Improves Flexibility In Adults

January 2, 2012

Hapkido Training Increases Total Body Flexibility for Adults

At Korean Hapkido Federation schools we know that flexibility is an important aspect of overall health. There are many benefits of flexibility training, including a lower risk of back pain, increased physical performance, improved posture, reduced muscle soreness and much more. Practicing Hapkido is a great way to increase flexibility and get all of the wonderful benefits. It is a great alternative to yoga that many people enjoy. Plus it brings the added benefit of learning self-defense. If you are looking for ways to increase your total body flexibility check out the Hapkido schools in your local area.

martial arts school winter garden florida

Hapkido Self Defense Instructor in Clermont, Florida

Hapkido is an excellent martial art that serves as a powerful method of self-defense. This eclectic Korean martial art uses joint locks, kicks, punches, and some techniques that are borrowed from other martial arts. Students also get to learn how to use many traditional weapons. Practicing this martial art is good for your health and a whole lot of fun. Adults can build their confidence as they increase their flexibility and become well trained in the art of self-defense.

Good Hapkido schools give their students all of the tools they need to stay physically fit and mentally powerful. Some adults think that losing flexibility is a thing that just occurs over time, but that is not true. However, regular exercise is simply not enough. In order to flexible adults must focus on flexibility training. Hapkido training not only serves to help adults maintain their current level of flexibility, it allows them to increase it. Those who use Hapkido as an alternative to yoga are impressed at the great results they experience after only a few practices. The proof of effectiveness that appears in their own body and the fun that they have while attending one of the great Hapkido schools is what helps keep them motivated.

So, rather you are looking to learn methods of self-defense, improve your health, or increase your level of flexibility Hapkido training is right for you. There are many Hapkido schools and it is not hard to find one that you like. Hapkido training can literally change your life for the better. As your level of flexibility goes up you look and feel much better. Having better health automatically reduces stress greatly. In addition Hapkido training enhances your mental focus. Hapkido schools can give you the tools you need in order to be successful.

self defense martial arts instructor in Winter Garden, Florida

Hapkido self defense instructor in Winter Garden, Florida

There are so many benefits to Hapkido training that the list can go on and on. As for flexibility, Hapkido training is the best alternative to yoga that you can find. This is a great way to enhance your life and get rid of some of the things that has been bothering you. Take the necessary action to make a significant change in your life by visiting one of the Hapkido schools in your area and signing up. You can experience the benefits of better flexibility for yourself. Every joint in your body will be healthy and able to move much better. It is amazing what Hapkido training can do.

About the author: Richard Hackworth is a multi-arts Grand Master and the host of the World Martial Arts TV & Radio Shows. He is also the Editor of World Martial Arts Magazine and the author of more than forty books on the topics of health, wealth and success. He can reached via his website at http://www.worldmartialartsmedia.com .

Be sure to LIKE us at www.facebook.com/koreahapkidofederationhaemukwan

Hapkido’s Founder: Yong Sool Choi

January 7, 2009

History of Hapkido: Yong Sool Choi (1904- 1986)

Yong-Sool Choi is recognized as the founder of Hapkido worldwide and was given the title of Dojunim. Yong Sool Choi was born in Chung Buk province in Korea, was one of the most influential people in the development of modern Korean martial arts. His parents died when he was very young, and he was taken to Japan from Korea by a Japanese candy maker when he was 8 or 9. Choi became very homesick and was abandoned by the candy maker so he had to wander the streets as a beggar which resulted in him being regularly assaulted by other children.

A Japanese man noticed Choi’s situation so he took Choi in and eventually adopted him. Before Choi went to school to get an education, his name was changed to Tatujutu Yoshida.

His education was not a success because he did not speak enough Japanese to understand the teachers. He became disinterested and often wound up fighting with the other school-children, so he was asked if he wanted to get a regular education or learn to fight.

He chose fighting, and went to a Daito-Ryu Aiki-Jutsu dojo with Sokaku Takeda (1860-1943), where he trained for nearly 30 years. He began to make plans to return home to Korea and did so in the winter of 1945. Upon his return, he changed his name back to Yong-Sool Choi.

During the trip home, Choi lost his money and the certificates which were proof of his training with Takeda Sensei. Because of this lack of money, he decided to stay in Tae Gu rather than to return to his home in Chung-Buk. He worked as a bread salesman on the street for a year, and managed to save enough money to begin raising pigs. To feed his pigs, he would travel to the Suh Brewery Company to obtain free leftover grain chaff.

In 1947, Bok-Sub Suh, who was the president of the Suh Brewery Company, witnessed Choi defend himself successfully against several attackers, with little effort. He was very impressed so he sent someone down to bring this man to his office.

Suh asked Choi what kind of martial arts he practiced. Choi didn’t answer, instead he just asked Suh to grab him by the lapel. When Suh grabbed the lapel, Choi easily executed an elbow lock and threw Suh to the floor. Suh grabbed Choi’s lapel again, and he was thrown to the floor a second time. After being defeated twice, Suh asked for Choi to teach him, promising him more free chaff, as well as paying him for lessons.

Choi agreed so Suh prepared a Dojang at the brewery where Choi could teach what he had studied for so many years in Japan.

Over the next few years, Choi began to establish himself as an outstanding, well respected martial arts instructor. He called his art Yoo Sool (Korean pronunciation of Ju-Jitsu). He mainly taught what he had learned from Takeda Sensei, slowly adding other techniques, including some kicks and weapon techniques.

Suh suggested to Choi that the name Yoo Sool be changed to Yoo Kwon Sool, to represent the fact that as well as joint locks and throwing techniques, they were also practicing strikes and kicks.

After the end of the Korean war, he opened his own private school and began to teach a few other students. This was in 1953. Some of the students during this period had already founded, or have gone on to found their own martial art styles. These include, Hwang-Kee (Tang-Soo-Do), In-Hyuk Suh (Kuk Sool Won), Dr. Joo-Bang Lee (Hwa Rang Do), and Han-Jae Ji (Hapkido).

Yong Sool Choi’s influence on martial arts world wide is historical. This month’s issue of World Martial Arts Magazine is dedicated to his memory.
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From the South Lake Press News Paper in Clermont, Florida

January 7, 2009

At a Hapkido school in Clermont, Florida a 15 Year Old Girl Earns Third Black Belt!

self defense class clermont florida

Clermont, Florida Hapkido Black Belt Andrea Stone

Andrea Marie Stone, a 15 year old student at East Ridge High School in Clermont, Florida recently earned a black belt in her third martial art.  Having previously achieved 1st degree rank in the Korean martial arts of TaeKwondo and TangSooDo, Andrea switched to Hapkido when her family moved to Clermont from Miami.

“I could have continued on with TaeKwondo, but I prefer the more realistic self defense training that Hapkido offers.  It’s not a sport or a stylistic art, but rather a reality based self defense system for both men and women.  It’s what they teach the Korean police and Special forces. I visited and trained at every martial arts school in Clermont, Florida and was lucky to find the best school.”

Andrea trains in Clermont at the American Dragon Martial Arts Academy, located at 1158 Fifth Street in Clermont.  Her instructor, Master Mi Yi, is a sixth degree internationally reknown expert and co founder of the DukHoKwan style of Hapkido.  She also holds a fifth degree in Tae Kwon do and offers instruction in either art for both adults and children, as well as offering an after school program.

hapkido school in clermont florida

Hapkido Black Belt Andrea Stone of Clermont, Florida

“I like training under a Korean instructor,” Andrea explained.  “You get a more accurate explanation of what the moves mean and how they are supposed to be applied.  I have been doing this since I was five and can really tell the difference.  Of course I’m still learning, but I do know that you don’t want any mistakes or have any misconceptions when it comes to self defense training. That is why I want to learn from the best.”

For further information on th best Hapkido or TaeKwonDo training you can contact the American Dragon Martial Arts Academy in Clermont, Florida. Ph 352-536-1122.
www.americandragononline.com   www.actionradio.net   www.haemukwan.com   www.worldmartialartsmagazine.com

Hapkido Grandmaster Dong Kyun Kim

January 7, 2009

Grand Master Dong Kyun Kim

Leading the Future of Hapkido

In November of 2007 several of the Hapkido organizations united to form the Korean Hapkido Federation. This organization is dedicated to the support of Hapkido worldwide. Teaching the Korean standards for Hapkido on a worldwide scale has rarely been accomplished.

Grand Master Dong Kyun Kim is a R.O.K. Army Commando who has studied Hapkido all of his life. As a Commando he has also studied TukongMuSool. A military form of Hapkido that is also gaining popularity worldwide.

One of the goals of the Korean Hapkido Federation is to demonstrate the beauty of Hapkido around the globe. One way they have accomplished this is by encouraging the establishment of National Demonstration Teams. The Korean Hapkido Federation will be hosting the World Demonstration Team Championship in KwangJu, Korea. Martial Arts teams of all styles from around the world will be gathering in KwangJu to demonstrate the beauty of thier arts.

Grand Master Dong Kyun Kim has decided to make himself as accessible as possible for training events to personally oversea the progression of raising the standards of Hapkido in all countries. He has been appointing national representatives in as many countries as possible. Grand Master Kim appoints natives of that country whenever possible. “Hapkido can only grow if foreign masters are given the same training and support as Korean masters.” said Grand Master Kim. He went on to say: “Many of the Hapkido organizations were Korean based and did not teach the same level of Hapkido outside of Korea. Offering advanced certifications to non-Korean masters only as a way of generating income for the headquarters. We have put a stop to such promotion practices. ALL members of the Korean Hapkido Federation are given the same level of training no matter where they live in the world. We welcom everyone to join.”

Before becoming the President of the Korean Hapkido Federation, Grand Master Kim was recognized as the world’s leading expert on ancient Korean military arts weapons. A master of 16 ancient Korean weapons, Grand Master Kim also serves as the Vice President of the World Sword Arts Federation. (www.worldswordarts.org) He has encouraged Hapkido instructors to include many of these weapons in their systems to preserve these ancient fighting skills.

Grand Master Dong Kyun Kim invites everyone to visit Korea and participate in the World Demonstration Team Championships.

www.worldmartialartsmagazine.com  www.haemukwan.com   www.usnta.net   www.americandragononline.com

The Korean Hapkido Federation blog is gaining popularity

January 3, 2009

The Korean Hapkido Federation blog is receiving more hits every day skyrocketing it up the search engine rankings. Thank you for your considerable support in spreading the word about this blog. The more people you send the link to the more visitors we get. Thanks again for making us the most popular Hapkido blog on the internet!

My radio show is also growing in popularity. We are now getting over 14,000 login listeners each week to the “World Martial Arts Radio Show”. Our special show on below standard Hapkido masters was so popular that we are going to replay it once a week for the next 3 months giving it the most exposure of any show.

korean hapkido federation

Richard Hackworth receives Hapkido Grand Masters License from the World Headquarters in Korea

P.S. Be sure to let your friends in Hapkido know to rush right over to World Martial Arts Media and listen for our shows! Your hard work in spreading the word is making us famous!!! Thank you again for your support.

Our new season of shows starts in just 3 weeks so don’t miss it.

If you want to learn authentic Korean Hapkido from a licensed and certified instructor then visit this link www.haemukwan.com  . Don’t forget to get your free subscription at www.worldmartialartsmagazine.com

Hapkido Class Outline

December 8, 2008

We were asked to post a standard Hapkido class lesson plan. This is what an official Hapkido class outline looks like. If the school that you attend does not follow this format then you can be sure that you are NOT learning authentic Hapkido and need to stop attending that school immediately.

Beginning of Class

“Jeong Ryeol”  – Line up

“Cha ryeot!” – Stand at attention.

“Kukki eh day hayeo kyeong nye”  – Pay respect to the flag

“Paro”  – At ease

“Mook do jun bi”  – Assume meditation seated posture

“Mook do”  – Begin meditation

“Paro”  – At ease

“Cha ryeot!” – Stand at attention.

“Chong kwanjangnim kae yeh” – Pay respects to Grandmaster

“Hapki”  – [All students say] (the name of our association)

“Hapki”  – [Grandmaster says]

“Hapki ho heup beop jun bi”  – Assume Hapki breathing stance and give a loud kihap shout


Before and After Partner Techniques Training

“Chwa woo hyang woo”  – Stand face to face

    (or  “Jeong myeon uro majuseyo”  – also “stand face to face”)

“Cha ryeot!” – Stand at attention.

“Sang ho kan eh yeh”  – Bow to each other

“Hap ki” [All students say]


Ending of Class

“Jeong Ryeol” – Line up

“Cha ryeot!” – Stand at attention.

“Kukki eh day hayeo kyeong nye” – Pay respect to the flag

“Paro” – At ease

“Mook do jun bi”  – Assume meditation seated posture

“Mook do” – Begin meditation

“Paro” – At ease

“Chong kwanjangnim kae yeh” – Pay respects to Grandmaster

“Hapki”  – [All students say] (the name of our association)

“Hapki” – [Grandmaster says]

“Chwa woo hyang woo”  – Stand face to face

“Sang ho kan eh yeh” – Bow to each other

“Sugo ha syeos sumnida” – [All students say] Good work!

“Hae cheo”  – [All students] Recite our association motto:

“Hapkido een malkun cheongshin kwa kyeom son han ma um ul kat neun saram ee twae ja” 

– Translation: “Let’s constantly strive to be modest and clear thinking as Hapkido members”

If you want to learn authentic Korean Hapkido Federation Haemukwan Hapkido then visit the link below.

www.actionradio.net   www.worldmartialartsmagazine.com   www.haemukwan.com   www.usnta.net  www.themartialartsmarket.com  www.kmaia.org